SYSTEM LOGON 6142.1.2024.1009.01 |
By accessing this site, you represent that you are an authorized user, and that your use of this site and any information contained on the site will be in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Only authorized users may access the secured areas of this site, and user IDs and passwords to this site are non-transferable.
This web portal is provided by DigitalPhone.io for reliable trouble free sending and receiving documents to physical fax machines. Interested Call our sales line at (336) 544-4000 today to discuss your telephone services and Digital Fax.
The use of this system is restricted to authorized users. All information and communications provided by this system is subject to review, monitoring and recording at any time, without notice or permission. Unauthorized access or use shall be subject to prosecution. If you are using this system on behalf of a business, that business accepts these terms. It will hold harmless and indemnify the service provider hosting this system along with its affiliates, officers, agents, and employees from any claim, suit or action arising from or related to the use of the system or violation of these terms, including any liability or expense arising from claims, losses, damages, suits, judgments, litigation costs and attorney fees.
As an authorized user, you agree to maintain the security and confidentiality of your username and password, and notify us immediately if you have reason to believe that your username or password have become compromised in any way.